Terms and Conditions
These are the terms and conditions you agree by to abide automatically by registering for this event.
Event description and rules
The registration fee for those over 18 for the 365 SGC Run Walk is 20 euros and for those under 13 is 3.65 euros.
All the participants in the 365 SGC Run Walk event will be given an official event medal!
There are also corporate registration tickets for group registrations for the 3.65km 365 SGC Run Walk
The event takes place on 15.12.2024 at Molos Limassol. Starting time for each route is different and is advised while you register.
The event will not be timed. It is not a race but a CELEBRATION of runners and walkers! Still, the first 3 women and the first 3 men (all age categories combined) will receive a gift from the organizers.
There is a limited number of participants for the 365 SGC RUN WALK Limassol 2023:
1. 1250 maximum number of total Participants in all 365 SGC Run Walk routes individual and corporate combined. Only those with event BIB numbers can participate.
A licensed medic will be present during the hours of 830-1230 am
No water will be provided during the race, but at the finish line only
Public toilets are available at the Molos promenade.
​After the race at the finish line, refreshments will be available. All participants must make sure they use the bins for any garbage.
All participants are responsible for their belongings during the event and the event organizer bears no responsibility in the event of loss
No age limit for participation in the run or walk but in the case of minors, they must be accompanied by their legal guardian. All minors present at the event are the sole responsibility of their legal guardian and the event organizer bears no responsibility for their well-being.
All participants, registered or not, of this year's 365 SGC Run Walk event agree and consent all photos taken of them at the event can be used on all social media, advertising material, and websites of the event and 365 SGC Run Walk at any time.
All participants, registered or not for this year's event, understand that their participation in this event which includes possible intense physical activity involves risks, such as musculoskeletal injuries, which can lead to temporary or permanent health problems. Also, they understand that in remote cases intense physical activity can lead to paralysis or even death. I also declare that the above information is true.
I verify that by registering for this event (event = 365 SGC Run Walk ), I certify that I am physically fit to participate in this event and my personal licensed doctor has verified my healthy physical condition to do so. I declare that I have read the terms for participation described and included here. I also declare that I agree to follow the present Health and Safety protocols in place by the Cyprus Government valid at the time of the event.
While registering for this event i declare that all information stated withing my application are correct
By registering for this event I also give permission at any time for the free use of my name and picture in broadcast and all forms of media, social and otherwise.
I hereby waive and release myself from any and all rights and claims to damages I may have against the organizers of this event in the city the event is held, for any and all injuries suffered by me or any minors accompanied by me in the event
In the case of a minor, participation is allowed only after personal information and contact details of the parent having legal custody of the minor are stated while submitting the registration form for a minor. By doing so, the parent gives permission and consent for the minor's participation in the event and accepts the content of all declarations stated within the Terms And Conditions of the event.
Processing of Personal Data of registered participants in the event follows the terms of the GDPR EU 2016/679 and therefore the organizer seeks the consent of participants for the following cases of personal data processing:
I consent to the use of my email for receiving newsletters, blogs, and products, by the event organizer regarding the event only, other information relevant to the event, as well as the option to participate in the future.
If a registered participant of the event wishes to partially or fully change the above consent, he or she should email us at info@365sgcrunwalk.com by latest 10 days before the date of the event clearly stating the exact consent fields that she or he wishes to change.